READI también favorece el liderazgo de la Fabricación Aditiva a nivel internacional, proponiendo un horizonte de oportunidades dentro de los Programas Europeos. En este sentido, el papel dinamizador de la red para potenciar la internacionalización de las empresas españolas se focaliza en cuatro líneas principales de actuación:
- Sensibilización e información a las empresas sobre las oportunidades existentes
- Acciones para influenciar en el diseño de los programas de financiación internacionales teniendo en cuenta los intereses del tejido empresarial español
- Networking
- Involucración de empresas españolas en los consorcios internacionales movilizados por la red
Oportunidades del Programa Europeo Horizonte Europa
La Comisión Europea ha adoptado el Programa de Trabajo principal (Work Programme, WP) de Horizonte Europa para el periodo 2021-2022, en el que se detallan las temáticas (topics) que se financiarán en las distintas convocatorias.
Las primeras convocatorias abren el plazo de presentación el próximo 22 de junio con fecha límite 23 de septiembre de 2021. Los documentos que componen el Programa de Trabajo están disponibles en el portal «Funding and Tender opportunities» (en el apartado «Reference documents»). Más información aquí.
Dentro del Programa de Trabajo, se encuentra el programa del Clúster 4 ‘Digital, Industry, Space’. Puede descargarse aquí.
Dentro del mismo, la red READI ha identificado las siguientes temáticas relacionadas con la fabricación aditiva para el año 2021 en el marco de Horizonte Europa, que pueden suponer una oportunidad de participación e internacionalización para las empresas españolas:
Zero-defect manufacturing towards zero-waste (Made in Europe Partnership) (IA)
Type of Action: Innovation Actions
Technology Readiness Level START: TRL 5 END: TRL7
Indicative budget: 27M€
Expected contribution per project: 8-10M€ (3 projects)
Opening date: 22 Jun 2021 Deadline date: 23 Sep 2021
Projects should demonstrate a significant increase of sustainable production through improved control systems and non-destructive inspection methods and ensure efficient use of materials, repair strategies, and reduced production cost and time. Sustainable production should be achieved by developing methodologies and tools to prevent the generation of defects at component level and its propagation to the system level, with new diagnostic methods for in-situ monitoring of production.
The topic addresses challenges of full production line or system, in particular aiming at reducing defects and manufacturing waste. Defect reduction and quality control addresses yield, acceptance and final part qualification of the process. Reduction of waste and discarded material addresses production of components which cannot be easily reworked.
The Consortium should include at least (1) one independent legal entity established in a Member State; and at least (2) two other independent legal entities, each established in different Member States or Associated Countries.
The funding rate is up to 60% of the eligible costs. This funding rate applies both to members and non-members of the partnership, except for non-profit legal entities, where the funding rate is up to 100% of the total eligible costs.
Proposals submitted under this topic should include a business case and exploitation strategy. Research must build on existing standards or contribute to standardization.
Laser-based technologies for green manufacturing (Photonics – Made in Europe Partnerships) (RIA)
Type of Action: Research and Innovation Actions
Technology Readiness Level: START: TRL 3-4 END: TRL6
Indicative budget: 26M€
Expected contribution per project: 5-7M€ (4 projects)
Opening date: 22 Jun 2021 Deadline date: 23 Sep 2021
Make European industry leader in agile and green manufacturing through laser technology, make processes more versatile and efficient through data exchange and improve environmental sustainability towards “first-time right” processes with 30% lower consumption of resources compared to the state of the art.
Transmission of very high average and peak power laser radiation, without loss or distortion including in the ultraviolet, mid and far infrared spectral range, powerful optical fibres, programmable beam, guidance, maximum positional flexibility, free choice of energy distribution, rapid quantitative feedback and beam distribution systems with sub-micrometre resolution and high performance. A further research challenge is the integration of quality sensors in laser-based manufacturing. Edge devices with self-learning algorithms should be developed that can handle the computing requirements in the time required by the system to react with a feedback control action.
The Consortium should include at least (1) one independent legal entity established in a Member State; and at least (2) two other independent legal entities, each established in different Member States or Associated Countries.
Project consortia should comprise research institutes, technology suppliers and users. They should demonstrate the benefits to the targeted technologies in at least three use cases.
Type of Action: Innovation Actions
Technology Readiness Level: START: TRL 4 END: TRL7
Indicative budget: 18M€
Expected contribution per project: 4-6M€ (3 projects)
Opening date: 22 Jun 2021 Deadline date: 23 Sep 2021
The projects aim to make European industry leader in sustainable manufacturing and process industries through the application of trustworthy AI technologies. Proposed solution should aim at improving the environmental sustainability of industrial production, at improving the agility of European industry and its resiliency to external/internal influences, and at integrating state-of-the-art AI technologies with advanced circular manufacturing and re-manufacturing technologies/systems.
Focus on Manufacturing and process industries, addressing the entire lifecycle of products and services from design to remanufacturing and including all aspects primarily relevant for industrial production. The objective is to exploit the potential of AI as a transformation tool to support circular production in the entire manufacturing and process industry.
The Consortium should include at least one (1) independent legal entity established in a Member State; and at least two (2) other independent legal entities, each established in different Member States or Associated Countries. Proposals submitted under this topic should include a business case and exploitation strategy, as outlined in the introduction to this Destination. Research must build on existing standards or contribute to standardisation. Interoperability for data sharing should be addressed.
All projects should build on or seek collaboration with existing projects and develop synergies with other relevant European, national or regional initiatives, funding programmes and platforms.
Functional multi-material components and structures (RIA)
Type of Action: Research and Innovation Actions
Technology Readiness Level: START: TRL 3 END: TRL 6
Indicative budget: 20M€
Expected contribution per project: 4-6M€ (4 projects)
Opening date: 12 Oct 2021 Deadline date: 30 Mar 2022
The topic aim to contribute to energy efficiency and strengthening of EU’s manufacturing industry, increasing competitiveness of new multi-materials items and multi-functional materials/products for a wide range of applications in the additive manufacturing industries. Goals are development of optimised structures for better operational performance and 50% weight reduction compared to traditional designs, reduction by 20% of lead time of multi-material products and 30% product performance improvement without affecting the product price.
• Quantification of improved functionalities, properties, quality and lifespan of fabricated pieces;
• Evaluation of matching materials properties to the production process to enable the joining of dissimilar materials for AM tools
• Combination of precision engineering design with additive manufacturing methods to provide tailor made joining solutions for dissimilar material;
• Demonstration of a better understanding of the nanotechnology integrated materials properties and manufactures;
• Joint developments with suppliers of materials and end-users;
• Modelling, standardisation, and regulatory aspects (especially safety and nano safety) and the process and materials qualification.
The Consortium should include at least (1) one independent legal entity established in a Member State; and at least (2) two other independent legal entities, each established in different Member States or Associated Countries.
Machine tools include various laser-based technologies such as milling, turning, grinding, laser processing, surface treatment, sintering, forming and additive manufacturing. Projects funded under this topic should integrate state-of-the-art high-power lasers and tailored beams together with quality sensors and real time monitoring systems into advanced manufacturing and re-manufacturing tools.
The 2020 Circular Economy Action Plan aims at making sustainable products the norm in the EU. Twenty-first century manufacturing requires new materials and new techniques to produce them. Rapid progress in manufacturing technologies using new and alternative materials, such as biomaterials, is one of the drivers of this trend. This new frontier of science is a multidisciplinary research field combining engineering, physics, chemistry, biology, material science, which allow the production of bio-based products. Particularly interesting with respect to the green transition of the economy are sustainable products made from bio-based materials that are easy to reuse and recycle. Also, these materials would reduce the environmental footprint of waste streams. However, the use of reusable and recyclable products based on bio-based materials should increase substantially in order to build a truly sustainable manufacturing industry.
There is a global trend for higher digitalisation in the construction sector. In this context, there is a major need to ensure that construction activities in countries in Europe do not depend on breakthrough technologies the industry concerned needs to import from outside Europe to remain competitive. Currently, the construction sector is among the least automated and digitised and the most labour accident-prone sectors in the Europe. Therefore, the use of technologies such as additive manufacturing, autonomous vehicles and human robot collaboration in a construction environment is crucial to increase the degree of digitalisation of the sector. In addition, Member States are facing a shortage of skilled labour force in construction activities. In the same vein, a higher degree of digitalisation would make the construction sector attractive for younger generations and construction sites a safer working environment. Proposal consortiums are encouraged to include a wide range of stakeholders from SMEs to large construction firms.
There is a global trend for higher digitalisation in the construction sector. In this context, there is a major need to ensure that construction activities in countries in Europe do not depend on breakthrough technologies the industry concerned needs to import from outside Europe to remain competitive. Currently, the construction sector is among the least automated and digitised and the most labour accident-prone sectors in the Europe. Therefore, the use of technologies such as additive manufacturing, autonomous vehicles and human robot collaboration in a construction environment is crucial to increase the degree of digitalisation of the sector. In addition, Member States are facing a shortage of skilled labour force in construction activities. In the same vein, a higher degree of digitalisation would make the construction sector attractive for younger generations and construction sites a safer working environment. Proposal consortiums are encouraged to include a wide range of stakeholders from SMEs to large construction firms.
Otras Oportunidades de Financiación Europeas
The LightMe (GA814552) is an EU funding project targeting in the setting up of an Open Innovation Test Bed providing services for the upscaling of materials and products concept, related to lightweight alloys and their composites that are already validated in the labs.
In the framework of the LightMe EC project we are organizing an Open Call for provision of services to SMEs, Large Enterprises, or other stakeholders in order to support them in the upscaling and technology maturity of novel concepts in the field of lightweight alloys (aluminum, magnesium and titanium) and their composites. Two of the Pilot Lines open to third parties in LIGHTME are related with the Additive Manufacturing processes (Laser based Direct Energy Deposition using powder or wire).
The major goal of INTEGRADDE (GA820776) is to develop a novel end-to-end solution capable of demonstrating the potential of Directed Energy Deposition (DED) processes for the manufacturing of certified large metal components in strategic metalworking sectors.
The INTEGRADDE project has launched an Expression of Interest (EOI) Call on June 1st, oriented to European SMEs and Midcaps willing to implement Advanced Manufacturing solutions in their production process
El proyecto METABUILDING tiene como objetivo impulsar la innovación de las PYMEs en el sector de la construcción, fomentando la colaboración intersectorial y transfronteriza. Hasta 60.000 € para proyectos de innovación y colaboración de pymes. Esta convocatoria se basa en responder a distintos retos para el sector de la construcción. En concreto para en relación a la fabricación aditiva:
- Reutilización de residuos a través de su integración en procesos de impresión 3D para el sector de la construcción
- Integración de nuevas funcionalidades en componentes constructivos mediante impresión 3D
Los proyectos deben de ser colaborativos de 2 socios o más (al menos 2 pymes) y se puede enviar entre el 15 de junio de 2021 y el 15 de septiembre de 2021. Al menos una PYME de cada consorcio debe estar establecida en uno de los siguientes 6 países objetivo: Austria, Francia, Hungría, Italia, Portugal y España; y las demás PYMEs deben estar ubicadas en cualquiera de los países asociados a Horizonte 2020.
Las propuestas serán evaluadas por un panel internacional de expertos independientes con respecto a cómo abordan los respectivos desafíos. Presupuesto: 960.000 €.